Monday, October 7, 2013

                    Minor Son of Prince-Camp Cartel stabs                                          his own Great  Grandmother to death

Most every body who is a victim of the Juvenile or Family Court “racket” knows about the Prince-Camp Cartel.  They know about the allegations of them sending Gonzalez to  collect the money the Billings skimmed off the money the “Cartel” paid to Launder but ended up  killing both Mr and Mrs Billing in total discuss as the “Ninja’s” walked in on the child porn being made. Most Victims also know about the allegations of the Prince-Cartel sending a hit man  that had Nancy Scheafer and her husband killed.  They know about the allegations of having the wife of a Zuniga-Cruz son  (of a Mexican Cartel)ruled incompetent  with both her children committed to mental hospitals to cover-up their knowledge of a smuggling ring tied to a Silverstein and 911 terrorist. 
Now, In the mist of a  “wiretapped” Gitmo after executive order 12425Snowden with his NSA secrects, 911 FEMA videographer Kurt Sonnenfeld given asylum,  Wade and Phol involved in illegal Court orders to pull down the “crazy  wife's” web site so America Can’t see or hear her side of the story and her “proof”, California’s CPS Audit,  and a Demand for a real Investigation into Nancy Scheafer’s Murder,  and a Federal Criminal complaint against DHHS concerning all these allegation by the “crazy wife,” Gevin Allen Prince stabs his Great Grandmother.

Yes Just when the Camp and Prince family thought it could not get any worst Gevin Allen Prince goes and kills grandma. We all know he will get the best of legal representation by Kings and Spalding law office and more than likely get a slap on the wrist like Michael Cory Camp and Ex Federal Judge Jack T Camp.

Michael Cory Camp wasn’t even arrested at first, infact the “crazy wife” had to rattle the chains and email almost everybody with “see,see, they get special treatment" to get GBI to charge him. With the “crazy wife” rattling chains about the Dunk driving  and Nancy Scheafer’s murder they had to arrest him to save face, but what a deal he got. The local Carroll county news paper would even cover it. Just like  they never really covered Federal Judge Jack T Camp’s arrest. Only after CNN pick it up as a “big deal” the newspaper wrote a few articles but it was friends talking  about how great of a person he is and how this has to be a mistake or he had to be framed.

Nancy Grace will not pick this  "Boy kills great grandma" up because of who the Prince family is and the relationship with the CampsCousins, Bushs,Wades, Phols and the Silversteins.  So it is up to the American People to share this with this question.   How come he never was “in the system”  either as a dependency or deliquint after the first assault MANY assaults with a sword being taken in June or all the other SUPER violent behavior. Is it because of who the Prince are in the Juvenile system in Douglas, Coweta, and Carroll County and the power they have threw out the entire Judicial System in Georgia?
ThankGOD it was OLD ass Prince and not a Innocent young victim with their whole life in front of them. Now it is up to Social media to make sure he gets Justice this time and not get just a slap on the wrist like Michael and Jack Camp or worst completely get away with it like Betsy Prince and Dan Camp in the 911 and child trafficking cover up.

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